Monday, March 26, 2007

Now I'm Penny-less

Penny flew in last Thursday, stayed through the weekend, and left yesterday. I enjoyed her visit immensely, and realize (and am grateful) that God has blessed me with a wonderful friend.

While Penny was here, we knitted a lot (she got me started on two new projects, and kindly and patiently showed me how to properly yarn-over purlwise - and didn't laugh hysterically at the sad little wonky purl-wise yarn-overs I'd already done on my Cabaret Raglan - AND she threw out lots of ideas on how I might be able to fix the mess that was/is my autumn boucle wrap ), talked a lot, walked some, shopped at the thrift store and the library book sale, and went to the museum and the re-enactment at Horseshoe Bend National Military Park.

While Penny was here, David had his long-delayed birthday party, and Penny was gracious and understanding, saying that all the boys running around made her feel right at home. We took the boys (and Sarah, Joan, Marley, and Sam) with us to the re-enactment, but they went off on their own, leaving Penny and me to wander about and enjoy the people and exhibits.

The time Penny spent here wasn't nearly long enough for me, but I'm glad her family could spare her as long as they did.

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Blogger Tammy said...

I'm so glad you got to visit with a friend this weekend! Would you believe I finally finished a book?! I was going to start the Ladies' Detectives Agency but when I settled in to read, I chose to go with someone familiar and picked up the 2nd Agatha Raisin book. You are totally inspiring me to read more!!

But most importantly, is a purl-wise yarnover different than a regular one? Do you wrap the yarn from back over to front instead or something??

2:45 PM  
Blogger Laura said...

"But more importantly..." Oh, how I love it! Well, a purl-wise yarnover has the yarn brought to the front, then wrapped around the needle and back to the front. I'm sure you already do it correctly.

Only a moron like me would decide that if a knit-wise yo brings the yarn to the front, then knits the next stitch, then a purl-wise yo must move the yarn to the back (as if to knit) then purl the next stitch. The saddest part about this is that I have *numerous* knitting reference books that show - with lovely diagrams and illustrations - how to properly do it. How do I know? I looked at the books *after* Penny showed me the right way. Duuuuh!

3:11 PM  

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