O Lord, You are the portion of my inheritance and my cup; You maintain my lot. The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; yes, I have a good inheritance. ~Psalm 16:5,6.
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Sweater front finished
I finished the front of the Cabaret Raglan last night. I love the yarn, love the pattern, but I think it would look better in a solid cotton rather than the marled cotton I'm using. Oh, well... . I'm knitting the sleeves now. It's a fast and fun easy knit and I can't wait to finish it.
Wife to Steve, mom to 7, step-mom to 2, grandmother to 3 grand-daughters and 3 grandsons. Now in Alabama, but before Steve retired from the Marine Corps we were all over the USA. I enjoy reading, knitting, crocheting, quilting and spinning yarn.
The sweater is looking amazing! I love the front patterning. :0)
Thanks, Charity!
What a pretty sweater.
I think I will christen you
'the quiet knitter'...
You quietly go about knitting gorgeous things!
Oh, my. I don't know how that can be easy, but it certainly is lovely.
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