Travel plans

The really important questions have been asked by Tammy :
"What will I take to read?" and "What will I take to knit?"
To read: two books by David Baldacci (Mom and Dad have strongly recommended these books, so I think both Steve and I will enjoy them); two books by Dick Francis because I've enjoyed several mysteries by him; The World Is Flat by Thomas L. Friedman because it is on my list to read in April, and because it is a big hardback that should stay open on my lap so I can read and knit.
To knit: one skein of Sockotta for socks because it's 45% cotton, and I can't imagine knitting with wool in Cancun; two skeins of green linen yarn that I think I'll knit into a light and airy (translation: garter stitch on big needles) shawl; and two skeins of Peaches & Creme cotton yarn to knit dishcloths.
Labels: family, knitting, reading lists
I was shocked to see the large hardback until I read your reasoning. Very good logic indeed! Maybe I'll take Friday Night Knitting Club afterall.
Me again... Is there a particular Dick Francis you'd recommend for starters?
Yeah, paperbacks are hard to read while knitting! Well-used library hardcovers are best and most considerate at remaining open in one's lap.
Try Odds Against by Dick Francis. I really liked his character Sid Halley, and I thought the plot had nice twists and turns.
And you DO make me think, Tammy - didn't you read that I took forever to get my list down to only five blogs?!!
How exciting - a trip away, with great books and knitting. Sounds wonderful. :0)
I hope I start feeling excited soon, Charity. I'm really an awful homebody.
My idea of the perfect vacation would be two weeks at home with the phone never ringing, meals of delicious food delivered at regular intervals, mail/UPS arriving each day - but only fun packages of books and yarn and movies and NO bills or junk mail. And all my children would always speak kindly to each other and enjoy their dull mama's vacation, too. And Steve would golf, play with the children, and converse and watch movies with me to his heart's content.
You are going to have a wonderful time. My husband and I were able to take a few trips by ourselves once our children were a little older. It's good to be able to focus on each other exclusively from time to time. Knit and read on the plane, then put it all away and have a great time in Cancun.
Cancun?!?! Wow , how exciting! You both deserve a nice vacation. Have a wonderful trip, can't wait to hear all about it!
Love you,
LOL - I was totally teasing about the thinking thing! I'll check out Dick Francis.
Oh, I hope you have an absolutely splendid time traveling together! What a wonderful place to stage a getaway, too! Even homebodies need the occasional foray into the luxurious and decadent realm of "out there, in the big, big world". Really. You've got your partner, your confidant, your Man. It's going to be wonderful.
Zorak and I have decided that when the small ones are bigger, we'll take "reading vacations" - a few days on a cruise ship, or in a cabin in the mountains, or just a little B&B - just us, a coffee pot, and a stack of books.
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