Finished the welt for the doggie bed
I have slightly over 6 skeins of yarn left, so I decided it was time to make the welt and start knitting up the sides of the dog bed.
picked up the stitch and put it on the left needle with the stitch already there waiting to be knitted...

I counted down five stitches...
picked up the stitch and put it on the left needle with the stitch already there waiting to be knitted...
knitted together the picked-up stitch and the waiting stitch...
and kept on doing that all the way around (288 times!)...
until I had a completed welt. Now I'm in the home stretch!
Labels: knitting
Almost there!
This dog must be very special to warrant such elegant bedding ::)
Dana in GA
I'm finally ready to put the fringe on my scarf. :-) I will have finished it just in time for summer.
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