Flying Finish

Flying Finish is not the best book by Dick Francis that I've read, but it was still enjoyable. (Which makes me wonder: Are even weak books by Francis still good? A "bad" Dick Francis mystery is delightful.)
The horses were incidental to this mystery, which really involved flying, spying, and sinister business. I passed it on to Mom, but I think I might end up wanting to reread it at some point, so I'll probably get another copy.
Labels: books
DD#3 likes horses and Dick Francis...but I'm not sure she's read this title.
Blessings fm GA,
yes, even a *bad* Dick Francis is a *good* read! :-)
Have you seen the new one - "Under Orders"? It's a new Sid Halley, yay! I found it at the M'gmy library today, can't wait to dive in. :-)
If you like Dick Francis, you'll enjoy Under Orders. I listened to most of as an audiobook, then finished reading it in print. I didn't know you were a Francis fan!
Yep, a long time - since high school! A friend gave me the first Kit Fielding book for my birthday, I think it was.
By the way, I'm thinking you're in my area somewhere, are you in the A/O area? I'm moving there in the next few months.
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