Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Dressing up

A few days ago Joan dressed Marley up and took pictures. I wish this style of clothing would come back! The hat is of bird feathers, and the suit is of a nubby weave, made in Canada back in the '60's. The gloves are also '60's-era, while the beads are '80's and the shoes were bought a couple of years ago by one of her sisters.


Tuesday, November 08, 2011


Laura Hillenbrand's book, Unbroken, is my latest "favorite biography." It's the story of Louis Zamperini and chronicles his life from willful toddler, to juvenile delinquent, to Olympic athlete, to WWII airman, to POW, to husband and father, to alcoholic, to - finally - a man redeemed and able to forgive his captors. I started it Saturday night while watching the LSU-Alabama game and within minutes the game was unable to compete with this book for my attention. Had I not had to go to sleep - and to church the following morning - I would have read it straight through. As it is, I finished it after church. It was unputdownable and the best read I've enjoyed in many months.

I have to admit that I knew about this book and have read several good reviews by other readers, so I knew it was good before I read it. But what prompted me to go ahead and finally crack open the cover was a new service by Goodreads. They recommend books for you based on your ratings of other books you've read. I think their system is the best and most accurate one I've yet to encounter, so when Unbroken was suggested as a book I'd enjoy, based on my rating of other books, I decided to go ahead and take the plunge. I'm so glad I did!


More knitting

I told Jenny I'd knit her a pair of Auburn socks now that she's at Auburn studying nursing. They are done and ready to warm her toes on these cool autumn mornings.

Angela saw Sarah's mustache cowl and loved it (what is it with these girls and mustaches?!) so I knit her one, too. She told me she wears it as she walks to classes and it keeps her face and neck protected from the wind. Now on to more socks, and maybe a few bibs for Bear... .


Friday, November 04, 2011

My Work Is that of Conservation

Before I read Mark D. Hersey's book, My Work Is that of Conservation: An Environmental Biography of George Washington Carver I knew next to nothing about George Washington Carver.

I was almost put off by the adjective "environmental" in the title, but decided to give the book a try anyway. It was a fascinating look at Mr. Carver's life and his passion for nature, which he saw and celebrated as God's amazing creation. He was way ahead of his time in advocating organic fertilizer as not just a good and cheap way to add nutrients to the soil, but also as the only way to restore healthy physical qualities to the soil. (That just overwhelms me, as the physical composition of "good dirt" is something I've never thought about before.)

His kindness and willingness to help students during his long tenure at Tuskegee Institute, and his desire to alleviate the hardships African American farmers in the Black Belt of Alabama faced with their poor farms and poverty occupied him his entire adult life.

This biography was so good, I bought a copy for my dad and gave it to him for his birthday.


Death Comes to Pemberley

Am I the only person who didn't know that P.D. James has a new novel, Death Comes to Pemberley, coming out on December 6? Yes, I've already pre-ordered my copy, and although I am disappointed that it's not another mystery featuring Adam Dalgliesh, I can't help but be excited that it's a book where Jane Austen and P.D. James mingle. Kind of like a literary Reese's Peanut Butter Cup.
