Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The Road to Serfdom

   I finished The Road to Serfdom a couple of days ago. It was a book that made me look at current events and wonder if Hayek was able to see into the future - because it often seems to me as though we've made the trip and arrived at our destination of total servitude to government. I dog-eared pages, starred and underlined passages, and then gave the book to my son who is majoring in economics and told him he must read it.

   Now on to a little lighter fare... .

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Thursday, December 11, 2014

England Have My Bones

   When I began reading England Have My Bones I was pleasantly surprised to see that it was written in the form of a diary or journal (and I LOVE reading diaries!). The first section chronicled a fishing trip to Scotland, and brought back happy memories of reading The Compleat Angler by Izaak Walton. I'm also enjoying White's observances on birds while he's out and about.

   The section about White's lessons in learning to fly an airplane was interesting. In the middle of recounting his hours in the air towards getting his pilot's license, one reads this: "The Shire still possesses some of its oldest families. The best of them has continuously occupied the same house for five hundred years. I should like to see the inside of such a place. It seems that the lived-in-ness of the antiquity gives it a startling reality, a feeling of time telescoped and eternity. I dare say you would find a pair of crusader's boots under your bed, owing to the boot-boy having muddled them, and probably there are a couple of battle axes or rapiers mixed up with the umbrellas in the hall."

   I finished England Have My Bones by T.H. White last night. I think it was his first published book. I realized that I'd read other books by White decades ago, and that my tastes have changed. This is not fiction, so it appealed to me for that reason (and the diary form) and for the depiction of country life in the England in the mid-1930's.

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Monday, December 01, 2014

Winter Reading Challenge

Janie at Seasonal Soundings is hosting a Winter Reading Challenge.  No list of books to read is too short or too long.  Everyone is encouraged to become intentional in reading. 

Here is my winter reading list:

England Have My Bones - T.H. White
The Road to Serfdom - F.A. Hayek
The Handsome Man's De Luxe Cafe - Alexander McCall Smith
The Fairy Babies - Laura Rountree Smith
His Invention So Fertile: A Life of Christopher Wren - Adrian Tinniswood
In Spite of All Terror - Hester Burton
Water Wheel Turn - Hilda Boden
Allen Tate: Collected Poems 1919-1976 - Allen Tate

Come, join the reading fun!

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