Saturday, December 08, 2012

A wedding

Sarah and Christian were wed on December 1, 2012.  The wedding was small (maybe 65 people, and most were family members of the bride and the groom).  Both ceremony and reception were held in a small antebellum home, and the bride's grandfather and the groom's grandfather performed the service.  It was a  joyous and lovely day.

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Knitting in Napa

Knitting while in Napa was necessary.  There was only so much tasting I could do before I felt like I was "tasted out."  I'm not a huge connoisseur of wine, although I do appreciate good wine.  So my while my companions tasted on I pulled out my yarn and needles and listened to their observations about the wine.  It made for some perfect days.

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Napa in November

Napa in November was very nice.  Steve and I went with two other couples and spent five days sightseeing and wine-tasting.  Definitely plan to go back and see more!

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