Friends with friends
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O Lord, You are the portion of my inheritance and my cup; You maintain my lot. The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; yes, I have a good inheritance. ~Psalm 16:5,6.
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Triny didn't like it much, but David did.
And when the shuttle was launched, we could see it perfectly.
Labels: knitting
And I'm just about done with the fronts, also:
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The first was H.A. Rey's book, The Stars: A New Way to See Them. I bought this book a decade ago, and it's one of the best homeschool purchases I ever made. Rey describes each constellation and where to find them, and he draws sensible graphic dot-to-dot (rather, star-to-star) images to help one see them. Add to that his easy-to-understand explanations of such things as sidereal days, the equinoxes, the pole star (and how it has changed) and many other facts related to astronomy, and his calendar charts of the night sky, and you have a great book for children and adults.
The last book I actually read this morning while waiting for Joan to get her driver's permit. My copy of The Gospel in the Stars by Joseph A. Seiss is an old one from the 1880's, but it has been reprinted. Mr. Seiss was a Lutheran minister and he explained in his book the significance of the different constellations, the amazing similarity of the names ancient civilizations gave each constellation, and how the story of the gospel is contained in the constellations. Referring to Scripture and ancient pagan myths, Mr. Seiss gives a fascinating look at how "the heavens declare the glory of God."
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When we arrived at the courthouse at 7:15 this morning there were already four people waiting on the steps outside - all headed for the driver's license office. We were 5th in line, and the examiner will only see "up to" eight people each day that she's open. But 5th in line meant that we made it to be seen. And Joan passed the test with flying colors and drove us home! And to the library. And to the post office. And to Piggly Wiggly. And to the pharmacy. Every errand that I would normally have walked, Joan drove us today.
Because you only experience that euphoric first day with your learner's permit once.
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Labels: Christianity, family
Labels: family
Labels: books
Labels: books, children's books
Labels: family