Horseshoe Bend
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O Lord, You are the portion of my inheritance and my cup; You maintain my lot. The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; yes, I have a good inheritance. ~Psalm 16:5,6.
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I have lots of bits of cotton yarn left over from dishcloths and a few baby bibs. Last week I got out my copy of Mason-Dixon Knitting and used the pattern for the Log Cabin square and the instructions for the knitted baby bib and made a Log Cabin baby bib. It was fun, and I think it turned out well enough to use on a two-year-old, so I'll definitely be knitting more of them.
Labels: knitting
Labels: knitting
The diploma reads: "This Certifies That Max Vines has completed in a satisfactory manner the studies prescribed for the High School and by proficiency in scholarship and integrity of character has merited honorable Graduation and is therefore entitled to the award of this DIPLOMA... ."
And in between "the studies" and "prescribed " someone inserted the phrase "except geometry."
Because the handwriting isn't like that of the signatures at the bottom of the diploma, I'm guessing Max himself inserted those words after he received the document. But whether he wrote it, or whether a teacher dedicated to being brutally honest about her pupil wrote it, I find it funny and it makes Max more real to me. So I'm thinking he did not major in math when he went to college... .
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Labels: knitting
Labels: knitting
Labels: family
Labels: knitting
Labels: knitting
Labels: books
A birthday package from Barbel arrived filled with sock yarn, sheep things, chocolates, Haribo candies, lotion, leis, and German Weight Watcher food and a magazine (and the German WW foods taste soooo much better than the American products). Penny, Meg, Karen, and my parents called. Helen and Mimi Facebook messaged me birthday wishes, and over the last week I've spent time with some of my favorite people.
It's a wonderful birthday.
I am well and truly fortified to face AARP things in the mail now, should they care to send them. 47 looks like it's going to be a good age this year!
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Labels: knitting