Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Baby blankets for Liam

Liam has grandmothers who knit, crochet, and quilt.  He is a well-blanketed baby.

Here he is on the quilt his Gmom, Penny, made for him.

Here he is on the quilt his great-grandmother, Linda, made for him.

And here he is on the blanket I crocheted for him.  Happy baby, thankful family.  God is good!

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A growing baby boy

Liam arrived on June 5 and is growing and thriving.  His mama and daddy are learning and changing  (diapers, habits, their routines, etc.).  All is well and Liam's extended families are besotted with him!

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When you get two knitters together...

...they knit.  Penny and I knit while we waited at the hospital for Liam to be born. 
She worked on a silk shawl, and I worked on a cotton dishcloth.  And before too much time had passed, we had the best little knit-together-by-God-in-his-mother's-womb grandson!

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