Saturday, June 30, 2007
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
The Bride's House

Labels: books
And more travel

Labels: family
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Travel update

Mom and Dad are in Thessaloniki today. It's afternoon where they are, and the temperature is 102F/39C. (And I was thinking we are hot here at 90F!)
Labels: family
Monday, June 25, 2007

Labels: family

Labels: family
Friday, June 22, 2007
The Natural Knitter

Thursday, June 21, 2007
I just noticed this pile of "trash" in this fern yesterday and realized that somebody is doing a little nest constructing.
And this one had four eggs in it, but I could only see one baby hatchling when I watered the last two times.
Labels: family, home projects
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Not so dull and quiet now
Labels: family
Monday, June 18, 2007

Summer doldrums - and it's not officially summer yet

I've never seen this movie, but the title describes our home right now. No one is here. Well, only a few people are here. It's very quiet, empty, and at night, very dark. Sarah and Joan are at camp in Pennsylvania. Jacy is housesitting with friends this week, then leaving for Honduras to work at Orphanage Emmanuel. Tom and Karin are still in Virginia and won't be here until later in the week. Even Mom and Dad, who pop in and out several times a day and occasionally in the evening are gone - they left today for a tour of the early church sites in Greece and Turkey. Steve is busy with work (and I am glad to be able to eat and have shelter) and is on the road or working long hours in his home office. It's kind of boring to have so little activity here at home. On the other hand, having only one load of laundry a day is nice. And there are few dishes to wash after meals.
Thankfully, a reprieve is on the way in the form of Glenn, Amy, and the girls. They'll arrive this afternoon and stay until the end of the week - hurrah! And this time, they're bringing their golden lab, Dixie, so Cocoa will have company, too. (Would Dixie be considered Cocoa's "cousin" since Cocoa is Marley's dog and Dixie is Glenn's dog? And why do questions like that even pop up in my head, anyway?)
Labels: family
Friday, June 15, 2007
My 25 favorite under-appreciated children's novels

1. Winterbound - Margery Bianco. A group of siblings snowed in without their mother manage to competently care for one another until the snow melts.
2. The Secret Summer - Ruth Chew. A brother and sister run away from Brooklyn to spend the summer at a lake.
3. Five Dolls in a House - Helen Clare. Elizabeth discovers that the dolls in her dollhouse are alive when she shrinks to visit them.
4. The Trolley Car Family - Eleanor Clymer. Mr. Parker, a trolley-car driver, moves his family into his trolley-car after losing his job.
5. One by Sea - Scott Corbett. Nye, a ship-wrecked, motherless boy, must race over land and sea to rescue his father.
6. The Family from One End Street - Eve Garnett. An English family without much money, but with lots of children have many adventures.
7. The Great House - Cynthia Harnett. Historical fiction set in late 17th-century England involving a brother, a sister, and their architect father.
8. Vinegar Boy - Alberta Hawse. A scarred boy has a life-altering experience with Christ during the crucifixion.
9. No Children, No Pets - Marion Holland. After three children, their mother, and their pet cat move into an apartment complex in Florida filled with elderly residents, the children solve several mysteries.
10. The 69th Grandchild - Mabel Leigh Hunt. Susie Henrietta is the youngest of 69 grandchildren in a warm and loving extended family.
11. The Hidden Treasure of Glaston - Eleanore M. Jewett. Hugh, a lame boy left at a monastery by his knighted father, seeks and finds Arthurian treasure.
12. The Golden Name Day - Jennie Lindquist. Nancy comes to stay with her Swedish grandparents while her sick mother recuperates, and learns all about her family's heritage.
13. Storm over Skye - Allan Campbell McLean. When several sheep are stolen, Niall and his brother seek to discover who is behind the crime.
14. Me and Caleb - Franklyn E. Meyer. Buddy and his younger brother, Caleb, have hilarious adventures in Missouri.
15. Dangerous Island - Helen Mather-Smith Mindlin. Three children are accidentally swept out to sea and wash up on a mysterious, sinking, island.
16. The Zero Stone - Andre Norton. After the man he is apprenticed to is murdered, Murdoch teams up with an alien creature named Eet to discover the secret of the Zero Stone.
17. David and the Phoenix - Edmond Ormondroyd. David climbs a mountain behind his home and finds and befriends a phoenix.
18. Tom's Midnight Garden - Philippa Pearce. Tom, staying at his uncle's house, finds a clock that enables him to travel in time in his uncle's garden.
19. Henry Reed's Baby-Sitting Service - Keith Robertson. Henry and his friend, Midge, spend the summer baby-sitting for a variety of clients.
20. The Velvet Room - Zilpha Keatley Snyder. Robin moves to California with her migrant family and discovers a beautiful retreat in an abandoned mansion.
21. The Winged Watchman - Hilda Van Stockum. A Dutch family, living in and maintaining a windmill during World War II in Nazi-occupied Holland, find a way to fight for their country.
22. Peppermints in the Parlor - Barbara Brooks Wallace. Newly orphaned, Emily is sent to live with her rich aunt and uncle, only to discover that evil has taken abode their home in the form of Mrs. Meaching.
23. They Loved to Laugh - Kathryn Worth. Orphaned young lady moves in with large Quaker family in North Carolina and learns to enjoy life.
24. Patterns on the Wall - Elizabeth Yates. Journeyman stenciller Jared Austin travels about New England during the year "Eighteen-hundred-and-froze-to-death."
25. The Mystery of the Great Swamp - Marjorie A. Zapf. Jeb discovers a secret island in the Okefenokee Swamp.
Labels: books, children's books, reading lists
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Dancing Crayons - completely finished
Labels: knitting
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Eight things about me
First, the rules: For this meme, each player lists 8 facts/habits about themselves. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning before those facts/habits are listed. At the end of the post, the player then tags 8 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.
1. I am a news junkie. I prefer to start the day (after reading from a devotional and plugging in the coffee percolator) by reading a newspaper. Or two. Or more. If I can't get them in the morning, I'm content to read the papers later in the day. While we were in Virginia last week I had several blissful days in which I was able to procure 5 newspapers to read each day: The Washington Times, The Washington Post, The Free Lance-Star, The Wall Street Journal, and USA Today.
2. I prefer vanilla over chocolate.
3. I really like rules, directions, and maps.
4. Until I married Steve, I slept in a full-size bed with books covering all but a narrow space on the edge for my body. Now the books are stacked beside the bed and at the foot of the bed.
5. I enjoy going to the lake, but I rarely get in the water.
6. My "default mode" is sit-around-reading, so I'm thankful to have friends who invite me to do things with them.
7. I think of colors like numbers: cool colors (like blue or green) are odd-numbered; warm colors (like yellow or red) are even-numbered.
8. Being a Marine wife was one of the best things that God used to shape and refine me, and I would have loved for Steve to have stayed in longer. I miss it.
Hmmm... tagging others for this meme: Jeannine, Dy (I think Jennie tagged her, too), Marla , Meg , Tammy , Tracy , Jan , and Donna .
Labels: meme
The Birth House

Labels: books, reading lists
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Late night summer storm

running down inside
~Inahata Teiko
We just enjoyed a brief, but flashy, thunderstorm. First rain in months. And I'm the only one awake and enjoying the sound of the rain against the window and the flash of the lightning and the deep shaking of the thunder. And I found a haiku and a picture to go with it!
Labels: poetry
Bad dog
Labels: family
Summer Knitty is up
Monday, June 04, 2007
Uncommon Carriers

Labels: books
Cabaret Raglan
Labels: knitting
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Miscellaneous knitting
A couple of weeks ago I finished the socks I started knitting on the way to Cancun. They're made of Plymouth Sockotta, which is perfect for warm weather socks.
The squares for the Greensburg Project are ready to be boxed and mailed on Monday.
A few days ago I went with all the children to see Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End. While watching the movie I started knitting a pair of socks using yarn I bought two years ago at Knitting Addiction while enjoying a knitting weekend at Meg's parents' home on the Outer Banks. Meg, Penny, Laurie and I visited the shop twice that weekend, and one of the times I bought what Penny referred to as my "Girl Scout sock yarn." It doesn't look so bad knitted up. And I think since I started knitting it while watching the movie, they should hereafter be referred to as my Pirate Socks. (Got that, Penny?)
Labels: knitting
Jacy's back from Camp War Eagle with a dozen T-shirts and a fall schedule that looks... interesting. When I registered for my first quarter at Auburn 29 years ago, it was cheaper, faster, and I got real classes. Things have REALLY changed.
Labels: family
Shower stall - delivered
Wayne delivered the shower stall for Tom's cottage, and Tom and Steve carried it inside after I took this picture. It is LARGE.
Labels: home projects